bgp bestpath med missing-as-worst


bgp bestpath med missing-as-worst

no bgp bestpath med missing-as-worst


This command configures a BGP routing process to assign a value of infinity (max possible) to routes that are missing the Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) attribute. The path without a MED value is the least desirable path. Any changes in BGP configuration are applied by restarting the current BGP sessions in the VRFs.

The no form of this command restores default behavior. The default behavior assigns a value of 0 to the missing MED.

Command context





switch(config-bgp)# bgp bestpath med missing-as-worst
All current BGP sessions in VRF default will be restarted.
Do you want to continue (y/n)?
switch(config-bgp)# no bgp bestpath med missing-as-worst
All current BGP sessions in VRF default will be restarted.
Do you want to continue (y/n)?