vsx update-software


vsx update-software <REMOTE-URL> [vrf <VRF-NAME>]


This command downloads new software from the TFTP server and verifies the download. After a successful verification, the command installs the software to the alternative image of both the VSX primary and secondary switches. The command then reboots them in sequence, the VSX secondary switch followed by VSX primary switch. For example if a switch has booted with the primary image, then the command will install the software to secondary image.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)



Specifies the URL for downloading the software. Syntax: tftp://{<IP-ADDRESS>|<HOSTNAME>}[:<PORT>][;blocksize=<VAL>]/<FILE-NAME>

vrf <VRF-NAME>

Specifies the VRF name for downloading the software. Optional




The command displays the status of the VSX primary and secondary switches during the upgrade. The command also refreshes the progress bar as the image update progresses. You cannot interrupt the VSX primary CLI session until the software updates completes.


switch# vsx update-software tftp:// vrf mgmt
This command will download new software to the %s image of both the VSX primary and secondary systems, 
then reboot them in sequence. The VSX secondary will reboot first, followed by the primary.
Continue (y/n)? y
VSX Primary Software Update Status     : <VSX primary software update status>
VSX Secondary Software Update Status   : <VSX secondary software update status>
VSX ISL Status                         : <VSX ISL status>
Progress [..........................................................................................]
Secondary VSX system updated completely. Rebooting primary.