show vsx status


show vsx status [inter-switch-link | keepalive | linkup-delay] [vsx-peer]


Displays global VSX status or a specified status determined by the selected parameter.


This show vsx status command replaces the show mclag status and show mclag keepalive status commands that are supported only in 10.00 releases.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)


[inter-switch-link | keepalive | linkup-delay]

Selects one of the following: inter-switch-link, keepalive, or linkup-delay


Specifies the display of the ISL status in VSX.


Specifies the display of the VSX keepalive protocol status.

Specifies the display of the VSX link-up delay information, such as the:
  • Configured link-up delay timer.

  • Initial sync status.

  • Delay timer status.

  • LAGs on which the delay timer is running.

  • Time remaining for the interfaces to be brought up.


Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed.


Operators or Administrators. Users without administrator authority can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


Displaying the global VSX status:

switch# show vsx status
VSX Operational State
  ISL channel             : In-Sync
  ISL mgmt channel        : operational
  Config Sync Status      : in-sync
  NAE                     : peer_unreachable
  HTTPS Server            : peer_unreachable

Attribute           Local                       Peer
------------        --------                    --------
ISL link            1/1/43                      1/1/43
ISL version         2                           2
System MAC          48:0f:cf:af:70:84           48:0f:cf:af:c2:84
Platform            8320                        8320
Software Version    10.02.0001                  10.02.0001
Device Role         primary                     secondary

Displaying the ISL status in VSX:

switch# show vsx status inter-switch-link
State                     : In-Sync
Link Status               : up
Mgmt state                : operational

Inter-switch link Statistics
Hello Packets Tx          : 4572
Hello Packets Rx          : 4573
Data Packets Tx           : 80634
Data Packets Rx           : 80637
Mgmt Packets Tx           : 25946
Mgmt Packets Rx           : 25167
Mgmt Packet Drops         : 0

Displaying the VSX keepalive protocol status:

switch# show vsx status keepalive
Keepalive State           : Keepalive-Established
Last Established          : Thu Jun  8 09:03:01 2018
Last Failed               : Thu Jun  8 09:04:02 2018
Peer System Id            : 58:1f:cf:af:a0:84
Peer Device Role          : primary

Keepalive Counters
Keepalive Packets Tx      : 322
Keepalive Packets Rx      : 121
Keepalive Timeouts        : 0
Keepalive Packets Dropped : 14

Displaying the VSX link-up delay status while ARP/MAC VSX synchronization is in progress:

switch# show vsx status linkup-delay

Configured linkup delay-timer                                : 180 seconds
Initial sync status                                          : In-progress
Delay timer status                                           : Waiting-to-start
Linkup Delay time left                                       :
Interfaces that will be brought up after delay timer expires : lag20,lag30-lag31

Displaying the VSX link-up delay status with ARP/MAC VSX synchronization completed with the delay timer running:

switch# show vsx status linkup-delay

Configured linkup delay-timer                                : 180 seconds
Initial sync status                                          : Completed
Delay timer status                                           : Running
Linkup Delay time left                                       : 1 minutes 22 seconds
Interfaces that will be brought up after delay timer expires : lag20,lag30-lag31

Displaying the VSX link-up delay status with ARP/MAC VSX synchronization completed and the delay timer expired:

switch# show vsx status linkup-delay

Configured linkup delay-timer                                : 180 seconds
Initial sync status                                          : Completed
Delay timer status                                           : Completed
Linkup Delay time left                                       :
Interfaces that will be brought up after delay timer expires :

Displaying the global VSX status for the peer switch:

vsx-primary# show vsx status vsx-peer
VSX Operational State
  ISL channel             : In-Sync
  ISL mgmt channel        : operational
  Config Sync Status      : in-sync
  NAE                     : peer_reachable
  HTTPS Server            : peer_reachable

Attribute           Local               Peer
------------        --------            --------
ISL link            lag1                lag1
ISL version         2                   2
System MAC          e0:07:1b:cb:72:e4   98:f2:b3:68:79:2e
Platform            8320                8320
Software Version    10.02.0001          10.02.0001
Device Role         secondary           primary