Traceroute page

From the Traceroute page, you can run the traceroute command to the specified target hostname and view the output. Click Traceroute to run the command.

You can set the following parameters on the traceroute command:
  • Destination Port: Specify the destination port (1 - 34000).

  • timeout: Specify the traceroute timeout in seconds (1-60).

  • maxttl: Specify the maximum number of hops to reach the destination (1 - 255).

  • minttl: Specify minimum number of hops to reach the destination (1 - 255).

  • probes: Specify the number of probe packets per hop to send (1 - 5).

  • Loose src Route: Specify routing information to be used by the gateways.

  • Use Management Interface: Specify the use of the management interface (check box).

Click Reset to reset options to the default.