show ipv6 ospfv3 interface


show ipv6 ospfv3 [<INSTANCE-TAG>] interface [<INTERFACE-NAME>] [brief] [all-vrfs | vrf <VRF-NAME>]


Shows information about OSPFv3 enabled interfaces.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)



Specifies an OSPFv3 Process ID optionally to show the OSPFv3 enabled interfaces for the particular OSPFv3 process. Range: 1-63.


Selects to show information only for the specified OSPFv3 enabled interface.


Select to show the overview information for the OSPFv3 enabled interface.


Optionally, select to show OSPF-enabled interface information for all VRFs.

vrf <VRF-NAME>

Optionally, select to show OSPF-enabled interface information for a particular VRF. If a <VRF-NAME> is not specified, OSPF-enabled interface information is displayed for the default VRF.


Operators or Administrators. Users without administrator authority can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


Showing OSPFv3 information for all interfaces:

switch# show ipv6 ospfv3 interface
Interface 1/1/1 is up, Line Protocol is up

IPv6 address fe80::7272:cfff:fe70:67ae
Process ID 1 VRF default, Area
    State Backup-dr, Status up, Network type Broadcast
    Link Speed 1000 Mbps
    Cost Configured 1, Calculated 4
    Transit Delay 1 sec, Router priority 1
    Designated Router ID:
    Backup Designated Router ID:
    Timer Intervals: Hello 10, Dead 40, Retransmit 5
    Number of Link LSAs: 2, checksum sum 26868

Interface vlan10 is up, Line Protocol is up
IPv6 address fe80::7272:cfff:fe70:67ae
Process ID 1 VRF default, Area
    State Dr, Status up, Network type Broadcast
    Link Speed 1000 Mbps
    Cost Configured 1, Calculated 4
    Transit Delay 1 sec, Router priority 1
    Designated Router ID:
    No backup designated router on this network
    Timer Intervals: Hello 10, Dead 40, Retransmit 5
    Number of Link LSAs: 1, checksum sum 9168

Interface loopback10 is up, Line Protocol is up

IPv6 address fe80::7272:cfff:fe00:b627
Process ID 1 VRF default, Area
    State Loopback, Status up, Network type Loopback
    Link Speed NA
    Cost Configured 1, Calculated NA
    Transit Delay 1 sec, Router Priority 1
    No designated router on this network
    No backup designated router on this network
    Timer Intervals: Hello 10, Dead 40, Retransmit 5
    Number of Link LSAs: 0, checksum sum 0

Showing overview information for OSPFv3 enabled interfaces for all VRFs:

switch# show ipv6 ospfv3 interface brief all-vrfs
OSPFv3 Process ID 1 VRF default

Total Number of Interfaces: 2

Interface     Area          Cost      State            Status
1/1/1       1         Backup-dr        up
vlan10       1         Dr               up

OSPFv3 Process ID 2 VRF red

Total Number of Interfaces: 1

Interface     Area          Cost      State            Status
1/1/2       1         Backup-dr        up