show lldp neighbor-info


show lldp neighbor-info [<INTERFACE-NAME>]


Displays information about neighboring devices for all interfaces or for a specific interface.

Command context

Manager (#)



Specifies the interface for which to show neighboring devices. Some switches (such as the Aruba 8400 Switch Series), use the format member/slot/port (for example, 1/1/1). Other switches use slot/port (for example, 1/1)


Operators or Administrators. Users without administrator authority can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


Showing LLDP information for all interfaces:

switch# show lldp neighbor-info

LLDP Neighbor Information

Total Neighbor Entries          : 1
Total Neighbor Entries Deleted  : 0
Total Neighbor Entries Dropped  : 0
Total Neighbor Entries Aged-Out : 0

1/1/1       70:72:cf:a4:7d:50  1/1/1         1/1/1         32       switch

Showing information for interface 1/1/1 when it has only one neighbor:

switch# show lldp neighbor-info 1/1/1

Port                           : 1/1/1
Neighbor Entries               : 1
Neighbor Entries Deleted       : 0
Neighbor Entries Dropped       : 0
Neighbor Entries Aged-Out      : 0
Neighbor Chassis-Name          : switch
Neighbor Chassis-Description   : OpenSwitch OPSX8664 OpenSwitch 0.1.0 (Build:...
Neighbor Chassis-ID            : 70:72:cf:a4:7d:50
Neighbor Management-Address    :
Chassis Capabilities Available : Bridge, Router
Chassis Capabilities Enabled   : Bridge, Router
Neighbor Port-ID               : 1/1/1
Neighbor Port-Desc             : 1/1/1
Neighbor Port VLAN ID          : 1
TTL                            : 32

Showing information for interface 1/1/1 when it has multiple neighbors (displays a maximum of four):

switch# show lldp neighbor-info 1/1/1

Port                           : 1/1/1
Neighbor entries               : 4
Neighbor entries deleted       : 0
Neighbor entries dropped       : 0
Neighbor entries age-out       : 0
Neighbor Chassis-Name          : switch
Neighbor Chassis-Description   : Aruba JL375A 8400 0.1.0 (Build: ridley-Halon...
Neighbor Chassis-ID            : 1c:98:ec:fe:25:00
Neighbor Management-Address    :
Chassis Capabilities Available : Bridge, Router
Chassis Capabilities Enabled   : Bridge, Router
Neighbor Port-ID               : 1/1/1
Neighbor Port-Description      : 1/1/1
Neighbor Port VLAN ID          :
TTL                            : 120
Neighbor Chassis-Name          : switch
Neighbor Chassis-Description   : Aruba JL375A 8400 0.1.0 (Build: ridley-Halon...
Neighbor Chassis-ID            : 1c:98:ec:fe:25:01
Neighbor Management-Address    :
Chassis Capabilities Available : Bridge, Router
Chassis Capabilities Enabled   : Bridge, Router
Neighbor Port-ID               : 1/1/1
Neighbor Port-Description      : 1/1/1
Neighbor Port VLAN ID          :
TTL                            : 120
Neighbor Chassis-Name          : switch
Neighbor Chassis-Description   : Aruba JL375A 8400 0.1.0 (Build: ridley-Halon...
Neighbor Chassis-ID            : 1c:98:ec:fe:25:02
Neighbor Management-Address    :
Chassis Capabilities Available : Bridge, Router
Chassis Capabilities Enabled   : Bridge, Router
Neighbor Port-ID               : 1/1/1
Neighbor Port-Description      : 1/1/1
Neighbor Port VLAN ID          :
TTL                            : 120
Neighbor Chassis-Name          : switch
Neighbor Chassis-Description   : Aruba JL375A 8400 0.1.0 (Build: ridley-Halon...
Neighbor Chassis-ID            : 1c:98:ec:fe:25:03
Neighbor Management-Address    :
Chassis Capabilities Available : Bridge, Router
Chassis Capabilities Enabled   : Bridge, Router
Neighbor Port-ID               : 1/1/1
Neighbor Port-Description      : 1/1/1
Neighbor Port VLAN ID          :
TTL                            : 120