Viewing prefix lists

The show ip prefix-list command displays the content of prefix lists.


show [ip | ipv6 prefix-list] [name list-name] [summary | detail]

Displays the content of prefix lists.

[ip | ipv6]

Specifies an IPv4 (IP) or IPv6 prefix list.

name list-name

Specifies the name of the prefix list to display. If this parameter is omitted, all prefix lists are displayed.

[summary | detail]

If neither summary nor detail is specified, the listing displays the name of the prefix list and each entry in the list (not including descriptions.)

If summary is specified, the listing displays the name of the list and a summary of the entries (but not the entries themselves.)

If detail is specified, the listing displays the summary information, the description (if it exists), and the entries in the list.


In a switch that contains two prefix lists, a standard display looks like this:

switch# show ip prefix-list

 ip prefix-list Odd: 4 entries
    seq 5 permit ge 24 le 24
    seq 10 deny ge 24 le 24
    seq 15 permit ge 24 le 24
    seq 20 deny ge 24 le 24

 ip prefix-list Even: 4 entries
    seq 5 deny ge 24 le 24
    seq 10 permit ge 24 le 24
    seq 15 deny ge 24 le 24
    seq 20 permit ge 24 le 24

A summary of the prefix lists looks like this:

switch# show ip prefix-list summary

 ip prefix-list Odd: Count:4, Range-entries: 4, 
 Sequences: 5 - 20

 ip prefix-list Even: Count:4, Range-entries: 4, 
  Sequences: 5 - 20

A detailed display of one of the prefix lists looks like this:

switch# show ip prefix-list name Even detail

 ip prefix-list Even: Count:4, Range-entries: 4, 
 Sequences: 5 - 20
    seq 5 deny ge 24 le 24
    Description: Permit even-numbered subnets

    seq 10 permit ge 24 le 24
    seq 15 deny ge 24 le 24
    seq 20 permit ge 24 le 24