est-server <profile-name> arbitrary-label <arbitrary-label-string>


est-server <profile-name> arbitrary-label <arbitrary-label-string>
no est-server <profile-name> arbitrary-label  <arbitrary-label-string>


Sets an arbitrary label for the EST server profile to distinguish it from the other EST profiles running on the EST server.

The no form of this command removes the arbitrary label configured for the EST server profile.

Command context




Configures EST server profile name.


Configures arbitrary label for the EST server profile.


Can be set only after the EST server profile name and URL are set. Should not contain any of the following strings: cacerts, simpleenroll, simplereenroll, fullcmc, serverkeygen, and csrattrs.

switch(config)#est-server test
arbitrary-label       Configure arbitrary label for EST server.
http-auth-digest      Configure http auth digest as authorization mechanism.
re-enrollment-prio... Configure the number of days prior certificate expiry to 
                      initiate re-enrollment, default value is 2.
retry-count           Configure the number of times to repeat the initial 
                      enrollment request, default value is 0 (infinite).
retry-interval        Configure the interval to repeat the initial enrollment 
                      request, default value is 30 seconds.
URL-STR               Configure url of the EST server.
user-name             Username for authorization with the EST server.

switch(config)#est-server  test
switch(config)# est-server test arbitrary-label
ARBITRARY-LABEL-STR   Configure arbitrary label string for EST server.
switch(config)# est-server test arbitrary-label attr