Disable LinkUp/Down Syslog messages based on port

This feature provides a per-port basis filter that can restrict the logging of events that are associated with a link status change. Unimportant linkup/linkdown events can be filtered out, avoiding unwanted messages in the event log and reducing troubleshooting time.

The specific port-based events to be controlled are:

RMON_PMGR_PORT_UP—Indicates that the port has changed from and off-line to an on-line state. To be online the port must be both connected to the LAN and enabled through configuration.

RMON_PMGR_PORT_DOWN—Indicates that the port has changed from an on-line state to an offline state. For this state to occur, the port is physically disconnected from the LAN, disabled through the configuration, or both.

The following rules apply:

  • Only one filter can be enabled at a time.

  • The maximum number of configured filters is 10.

  • A filter is identified by a unique name of up to 16 printable ASCII characters.

  • Filters can be dynamically replaced; the newly enabled filter automatically disables the previous filter.

  • A filter always contains a default sub-filter that functions as the filtering rules terminator.

  • To apply filtering to an event logging process, the filter must be explicitly enabled from the CLI.

  • Enabled filter modules can be dynamically modified; the changes will take effect immediately.

A filter module may include up to 19 option sub-filters and a default sub-filter. The sub-filter types are:

  • Severity—checks the severity level of the event log message. The severity values are:
    • major

    • warning

    • error

    • info

    • debug

  • Event number—Checks the event number of the event log message.

  • Regular expression—Checks everything beyond the date/time portion of the event log message.

A sub-filter has a sequence number, criteria to be matched, and a resulting action when a match occurs. All of the parameters must be specified in order to create the sub-filter.

  • Sequence number: Used for the ordering of sub-filters. Range 1-98.

  • Matching criteria: Can be the severity level, event number, or a regular expression.

  • Action to execute: When a match occurs, the resulting action is either permit the logging of the event, or deny the logging of the event.

The following sub-filter rules apply:

  • Up to 19 optional sub-filters and a default sub-filter are allowed in a filter module.

  • Sub-filters in the filter module can be of the same or different types.

  • Sub-filter entries can be modified with new criteria and action definitions.

  • Sub-filters are executed from the lowest sequence number to the highest. As soon as a match is found the log event is immediately accepted or rejected and no further matching operation is performed.

  • The default sub-filter must always be the last entry in a filter module. It functions as the rules terminator when the criteria matching performed by the prior sub-filters in a filter does not produce an action.

  • The default sub-filter cannot be deleted, re-ordered, or changed. The only parameter that can be modified is the action parameter of permit or deny. The default is permit.