Dev-onboard Events

The following are the events related to Dev-onboard.

Event ID: 5681

Auth Stats: MAC ADDRESS <MAC_ADDR_STR>- Port <PORT_NAME_STR>- userName <USER_NAME>- authType <AUTH_TYPE_STR>- start time <START_TIME>.
Platforms KB, WC
Category Dev-onboard
Severity Debug
Description Informs the user about the auth status.

Event ID: 5682

Auth Stats: MAC ADDRESS <MAC_ADDR_STR>- stop time <STOP_TIME>- auth result <AUTH_RESULT_STR>- auth fail reason <AUTH_FAIL_REASON_STR>- server retry count <SERVER_RETRY_COUNT>- client retry count <CLIENT_RETRY_COUNT>.
Platforms KB, WC
Category Dev-onboard
Severity Debug
Description Informs the user about the auth status.

Event ID: 5683

Auth Stats: MAC ADDRESS <MAC_ADDR_STR>- server elapsed time <SERVER_ELAPSED_TIME>- client elapsed time <CLIENT_ELAPSED_TIME>- tunneled client <TRUE/FALSE>- tunnel elapsed time <TUNNEL_ELAPSED_TIME>- auth info <AUTH_STR/REAUTH_STR>.
Platforms KB, WC
Category Dev-onboard
Severity Debug
Description Informs the user about the auth status.

Event ID: 5684

DHCP Stats: MAC ADDRESS <MAC_ADDR_STR>- sequence <SEQ_INFO>- timestamp <TIME_STAMP>- time_diff1 <TIME_DIFF1>- time_diff2 <TIME_DIFF2>.
Platforms KB, WC
Category Dev-onboard
Severity Debug
Description Informs the user about DHCP status.

Event ID: 5685

DNS Stats: server ip <SERVER_IP_STR>-max response delay <MAX_RESPONSE_DELAY>- min response delay <MIN_RESPONSE_DELAY>- avg response delay <AVG_RESPONSE_DELAY>- rcode0 cntr <RCODE0_CNTR> rcode1 cntr <RCODE1_CNTR>- rcode2 cntr <RCODE2_CNTR>- rcode3 cntr <RCODE3_CNTR>.
Platforms KB, WC
Category Dev-onboard
Severity Debug
Description Informs the user about DNS status.

Event ID: 5686

DNS Stats: rcode4 cntr <RCODE4_CNTR>- rcode5 cntr <RCODE5_CNTR>- samples measured <SAMPLES_MEASURED>- anomaly cntr <ANAMOLY_CNTR>- last anomaly ip <ANMOLY_IP>- rcode history <RCODE_HISTORY>.
Platforms KB, WC
Category Dev-onboard
Severity Debug
Description Informs the user about DNS status.

Event ID: 5730

Auth Stats: MAC ADDRESS %s - server IP %s- client IP %s- vlan %d.
Platforms KB, WC
Category Dev-onboard
Severity Debug

Event ID: 5731

DHCP Stats: MAC ADDRESS <MAC_ADDR_STR>- time_diff3 <TIME_DIFF3>- time_diff4 <TIME_DIFF4>- dhcp_server_ip <SERVER_IP_STR>.
Platforms KB, WC
Category Dev-onboard
Severity Debug
Description Informs the user about DHCP status.