Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot Events

The following are the events related to config backup and restore without reboot.

Event ID: 5631

Successfully applied configuration <CONFIG_FILE_NAME> to running configuration.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Information
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore is success

Event ID: 5632

Partially applied configuration <CONFIG_FILE_NAME> to running configuration.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Standard
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore is failed

Event ID: 5633

Successfully restored source configuration<CONFIG_FILE_NAME> to running configuration.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Information
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore recovery is success

Event ID: 5634

Partially restored source configuration <CONFIG_FILE_NAME> to running configuration.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Standard
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore recovery is failed

Event ID: 5635

Restored source configuration <CONFIG_FILE_NAME> to running configuration due to failover.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Information
Description f failover happens before cfg-restore is completed, then the new commander (old standby) should go back to source-config and add log

Event ID: 5636 (Severity: Warning)

Configuration restoration is not allowed as the configuration has non-configuration commands.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Warning
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore validation failed due to non-config commands

Event ID: 5637 (Severity: Warning)

Configuration restore is not allowed as the configuration has reboot required commands.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Warning
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore validation failed due to reboot commands

Event ID: 5638 (Severity: Warning)

Configuration restoration is not allowed as the configuration has commands- which will change the entire configuration of the switch.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Warning
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore validation failed due to system-wide change commands, eg: module

Event ID: 5639

Configuration restore to <RESTORE_FILE_NAME> has failed- started recovery to source config.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Information
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore failed and recovery started

Event ID: 5690

Configuration restore is initiated.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Information
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore is initiated.

Event ID: 5691

System going for a reboot due to reboot required commands in the restored config.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Information
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore initiates reboot due to reboot required commands

Event ID: 5692

Delta computation between running-config and config <CONFIG_FILE_NAME> started.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Information
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore initiates computation of difference between the running-config and backup configuration

Event ID: 5693

Delta computation between running-config and config <CONFIG_FILE_NAME> is successful.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Information
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore computation of difference between the running-config and backup configuration is successful

Event ID: 5694

Delta computation between running-config and config <CONFIG_FILE_NAME> is failed.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Standard
Description Logged whenever cfg-restore computation of difference between the running-config and backup configuration fails

Event ID: 5695

No difference computed as running-config and config <CONFIG_FILE_NAME>  are identical.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Information
Description Logged whenever there is no difference computed between the running-config and backup configuration

Event ID: 5696

Restore not performed as running-config and config <CONFIG_FILE_NAME>  are identical.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Information
Description Logged whenever restore is not performed as the running-config and backup configuration are identical

Event ID: 5697

Corrupted configuration file.
Platforms WB, WC, YA, YB, YC
Category Config Backup and Restore Without Reboot
Severity Standard
Description Logged whenever restore is not performed as the file downloaded is a corrupted one