Manual configuration with multiple ports bundled in a VSF link

In manual configuration of a switch with multiple ports bundled in a VSF link, up to eight VSF ports can be aggregated in a single VSF link. This creates a load-balanced aggregate VSF connection with redundancy.

This method is applicable for a VSF stack having more than four members too.

Manual configuration with multiple ports bundled in a VSF link
  1. Log in to the first device. This will be configured as VSF member . At the prompt, enter the following commands:
    switch# configure
    switch(config)# vsf member 1 priority 200
    switch(config)# vsf member 1 link 1 49-52 
    All configuration on this port has been removed and port is placed in VSF mode.
    switch(config)# vsf member 1 link 2 21-24
    All configuration on this port has been removed and port is placed in VSF mode.
    switch(config)# vsf enable domain 5472
    To enable VSF, the REST interface will be disabled.
    This will save the current configuration and reboot the switch.
    Continue (y/n)? y
    The above sequence of commands will configure the switch as member 1, which will boot as the Commander with priority 200.
    switch# show vsf
    VSF Domain ID    : 5472
    MAC Address      : b05ada-961103
    VSF Topology     : No Stack Formed
    VSF Status       : Active
    Uptime           : 0d 3h 22m
    VSF MAD          : None
    VSF Port Speed   : 1G
    Software Version : WC.16.03.0000x
    ID  MAC Address   Model                                  Pri Status
    --- ------------- -------------------------------------- --- ---------------
    *1  b05ada-961100 Aruba JL253A 2930F-24G-4SFP+ Switch    200 Commander
  2. Log in to the second device. This will be configured as VSF member . At the prompt, enter the following commands:
    switch# configure
    switch(config)# vsf member 2 priority 150
    switch(config)# vsf member 2 link 1 49-52
    All configuration on this port has been removed and port is placed in VSF mode.
    switch(config)# vsf member 2 link 2 21-24
    All configuration on this port has been removed and port is placed in VSF mode.
    switch(config)# vsf enable domain 5472
    To enable VSF, the REST interface will be disabled.
    This will save the current configuration and reboot the switch.
    Continue (y/n)? y
    The above sequence of commands will configure switch 2 as the Standby, with a priority of 150. Connect links of switch 1 and switch 2 after executing the vsf enable domain command. A 2-member stack will be formed.
    switch# show vsf
    VSF Domain ID    : 5472
    MAC Address      : b05ada-961103
    VSF Topology     : Chain
    VSF Status       : Active
    Uptime           : 0d 3h 22m
    VSF MAD          : None
    VSF Port Speed   : 1G
    Software Version : WC.16.03.0000x
    ID  MAC Address   Model                                  Pri Status
    --- ------------- -------------------------------------- --- ---------------
    *1  b05ada-961100 Aruba JL253A 2930F-24G-4SFP+ Switch    200 Commander
     2  b05ada-9721c0 Aruba JL260A 2930F-48G-4SFP Switch     150 Standby
  3. Log in to the third and fourth devices. These will be configured as members and respectively.
    Enter the following commands on device 3:
    switch# configure
    switch(config)# vsf member 3 priority 100
    switch(config)# vsf member 3 link 1 21-24
    All configuration on this port has been removed and port is placed in VSF mode.
    switch(config)# vsf member 3 link 2 49-52
    All configuration on this port has been removed and port is placed in VSF mode.
    switch(config)# vsf enable domain 5472
    To enable VSF, the REST interface will be disabled.
    This will save the current configuration and reboot the switch.
    Continue (y/n)? y
    The above sequence of commands will configure switch 3 as a Member, with a priority 100. Connect the links of switch 2 and switch 3 after executing the vsf enable domain command. A 3-member stack will be formed.
    switch# show vsf
    VSF Domain ID    : 5472
    MAC Address      : b05ada-961103
    VSF Topology     : Chain
    VSF Status       : Active
    Uptime           : 0d 3h 22m
    VSF MAD          : None
    VSF Port Speed   : 1G
    Software Version : WC.16.03.0000x
    ID  MAC Address   Model                                  Pri Status
    --- ------------- -------------------------------------- --- ---------------
    *1  b05ada-961100 Aruba JL253A 2930F-24G-4SFP+ Switch    200 Commander
     2  b05ada-9721c0 Aruba JL260A 2930F-48G-4SFP Switch     150 Standby
     3  b05ada-972200 Aruba JL254A 2930F-48G-4SFP+ Switch    100 Member

    Enter the following commands on device 4:

    switch# configure
    switch(config)# vsf member 4 priority 100
    switch(config)# vsf member 4 link 1 49-52
    All configuration on this port has been removed and port is placed in VSF mode.
    switch(config)# vsf member 4 link 2 21-24
    All configuration on this port has been removed and port is placed in VSF mode.
    switch(config)# vsf enable domain 5472
    To enable VSF, the REST interface will be disabled.
    This will save the current configuration and reboot the switch.
    Continue (y/n)? y
    The above sequence of commands will configure switch 4 as a Member, with a priority 100. Connect links between switch 3 and switch 4, and switch 4 and switch 1, after executing the vsf enable domain command on switch 4. A 4-member stack will now be formed with four ports bundled in a single VSF link.
    switch# show vsf
    VSF Domain ID    : 5472
    MAC Address      : b05ada-961103
    VSF Topology     : Ring
    VSF Status       : Active
    Uptime           : 0d 3h 22m
    VSF MAD          : None
    VSF Port Speed   : 1G
    Software Version : WC.16.03.0000x
    ID  MAC Address   Model                                  Pri Status
    --- ------------- -------------------------------------- --- ---------------
    *1  b05ada-961100 Aruba JL253A 2930F-24G-4SFP+ Switch    200 Commander
     2  b05ada-9721c0 Aruba JL260A 2930F-48G-4SFP Switch     150 Standby
     3  b05ada-972200 Aruba JL254A 2930F-48G-4SFP+ Switch    100 Member
     4  b05ada-96f080 Aruba JL259A 2930F-24G-4SFP Switch     100 Member
  4. The show vsf link command will display an output of VSF port state and links for each VSF member.