Creating CSR certificate using syslog

crypto pki create-csr certificate-name ta-profile usage syslog


crypto pki create-csr certificate-name <Certificate_Name> ta-profile <Profile_Name> 
usage syslog {[key-type rsa key-size <Key_Size> | (key-type ecdsa curve <Curve_Size>)] | 
[subject (common-name <CN_Value>) | (org <Org_Value>)(org-unit <Org_Unit_Value>) |
(locality <Location_Value>) | (state <State_Value>) (country <Country_Code>)] |
[valid-start <Start_Date> valid-end <End_Date>]}


Creates a certificate signature request manually to support syslog through TLS application.

Command context




Specifies the certificate name.


Specifies the TA profile name.


Specifies the intended application. Default is web.


Specifies the key type. Either RSA or ECDSA.


Specifies the key size. Values allowed are 1024 or 2048. The default value is 1024.


Specifies the elliptic curve size. Values allowed are 256 or 384. The default value is 256.


Specifies the common name for the certificate.


Specifies the organization name for the certificate.


Specifies the organization unit for the certificate.


Specifies the location of the organization.


Specifies the state.


Specifies the country code.


Specifies the validity start date for the certificate.


Specifies the validity end date for the certificate.


switch(config)# crypto pki create-csr certificate-name cert1 ta-profile ta1 
usage syslog
key-type        Specify the key-type.
subject         Subject fields of the certificate, the default values are specified 
                in the identity profile.
valid-start     Certificate validity start date (MM/DD/YYYY).

switch(config)# crypto pki create-csr certificate-name cert1 ta-profile ta1 
usage syslog key-type
ecdsa           Use the ECDSA key.
rsa             Use the RSA key.
subject         Subject fields of the certificate, the default values
                are specified in the identity profile.
valid-start     Certificate validity start date (MM/DD/YYYY).

switch(config)# crypto pki create-csr certificate-name cert1 ta-profile ta1 
usage syslog key-type rsa
key-size        The length of the key, default is 1024 bits.

switch(config)# crypto pki create-csr certificate-name cert1 ta-profile ta1 
usage syslog key-type rsa key-size

switch(config)# crypto pki create-csr certificate-name cert1 ta-profile ta1 
usage syslog key-type rsa key-size 1024
subject         Subject fields of the certificate, the default values are specified 
                in the identity profile.
valid-start     Certificate validity start date (MM/DD/YYYY).

switch(config)# crypto pki create-csr certificate-name cert1 ta-profile ta1 
usage syslog key-type rsa key-size 1024 subject
common-name     To specify common name
country         To specify the two letter ISO 3166-1 country code
locality        To specify locality
org             To specify organization
org-unit        To specify organization unit
state           To specify state
valid-start     Certificate validity start date (MM/DD/YYYY).

switch(config)# crypto pki create-csr certificate-name cert1 ta-profile ta1 
usage syslog key-type rsa key-size 1024 subject common-name CN1 country in 
locality xxx org yyy org-unit org123 state zzz
valid-start     Certificate validity start date (MM/DD/YYYY).

switch(config)# crypto pki create-csr certificate-name cert1 ta-profile ta1 usage 
syslog key-type rsa key-size 1024 subject common-name CN1 country in locality xxx 
org yyy org-unit org123 state zzz valid-start 05/20/2019
valid-end       Certificate validity end date (MM/DD/YYYY).

switch(config)# crypto pki create-csr certificate-name cert1 ta-profile ta1 usage 
syslog key-type rsa key-size 1024 subject common-name CN1 country in locality xxx 
org yyy org-unit org123 state zzz valid-start 05/20/2019 valid-end 06/15/2025