rmon alarm


[no] rmon alarm  entry number alarm-variable sampling-interval  absolute | delta rising-threshold threshold-value1 falling-threshold2 threshold-value2  owner string


This command configures RMON sampling periods and threshold parameters.



Removes the alarm entry.

entry number <1–65535>

An alarm number that uniquely identifies the alarm threshold entry.

alarm-variable <object-string>

Object identifier of the particular variable to be sampled. Variables must be of type Integer in order to be sampled.

sampling-interval <5-65535>

Time interval in seconds over which data is sampled and compared with the rising-threshold and the falling-threshold.


The value of the selected variable is compared directly with the thresholds at the end of the sampling interval.


If the absolute option is used for alarm variables of counter-type, an RMON trap is generated only once, when the threshold limit is reached. The RMON trap is never generated again. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using the delta option instead when using a counter-type alarm variable.


The value of the selected variable at the last sample is subtracted from the current value, and the difference is compared with the thresholds.

rising-threshold <threshold-value>

An integer value for the upper threshold for the sampled statistic. A single event is generated when the current sampled value of the specified statistic becomes greater than or equal to this threshold, and if the value at the last sampling intervals was less than this threshold.

The value of the rising-threshold must be greater than the value of the falling-threshold.

falling-threshold <threshold-value2>

An integer value for the lower threshold for the sampled statistic. A single event is generated when the current sampled value of the specified statistic becomes less than or equal to this threshold, and if the value at the last sampling interval was greater than this threshold.

owner <string>

The name of the owner of this alarm.

Using RMON alarm parameters

Configuring the RMON Alarm Parameters in the CLI
Removing an RMON Alarm
Show Command Output for a Specific Alarm
Display Command Output for a Specific Alarm
Output of the running-config File Displaying the Configured RMON Alarm Parameters