Add-Ignore-Tag option

The add-ignore-tag option is used in conjunction with the copy command to transfer the startup configuration or running configuration files from the switch to a remote server with IGNORE tag inserted into it.

The IGNORE tag is inserted into the first line of the configuration file directly after the J-number.

Configuration file

; J9782A IGNORE Configuration Editor; Created on release #YB.15.14.0000x
; Ver #04:63.ff.37.27:88
hostname "Switch"
snmp-server community "public" unrestricted
vlan 1
no untagged 2,20-25
untagged 1,3-19,26-28
ip address dhcp-bootp

The J-number validation is ignored only when configuration file that contains the IGNORE tag is downloaded to a switch via DHCP option 66/67. When a configuration file containing the IGNORE tag is downloaded to a switch using CLI, SNMP or WebUI, the downloaded configuration file is only accepted if the J-number in it matches the J-number on the switch.

There is no change to the current switch configuration when executing the copy command with the add-ignore-tag option. The IGNORE tag is only added to the configuration file being exported to the external server. The configuration file stored on an external server is then downloaded to the switch using DHCP option 66 during bootup. If the IGNORE tag is available in the downloaded configuration file then the switch will avoid the J-number validation of the configuration file. The downloaded configuration file will then go through a line by line validation. Once the configuration file passes this validation, it gets updated in the flash. Once the configuration file has been updated, the switch will reboot automatically.

The J-number in the downloaded configuration file is replaced with that of the switch. The IGNORE tag is removed from the downloaded configuration file before updating it to flash. The show running-configuration command will not display the IGNORE tag but displays the switch’s J-number as part of the output.

Copy with add-ignore-tag

switch(config)# copy startup-config tftp <ip-addr> <filename> add-ignore-tag
switch(config)# copy running-config tftp <ip-addr> <filename> add-ignore-tag
switch(config)# copy startup-config sftp <ip-addr> <filename> add-ignore-tag
switch(config)# copy running-config sftp <ip-addr> <filename> add-ignore-tag
switch(config)# copy startup-config xmodem add-ignore-tag
switch(config)# copy running-config xmodem add-ignore-tag