SNTP configuration information

switch(config)# show sntp

 SNTP Configuration

  SNTP Authentication : Enabled
  Time Sync Mode: Sntp
  SNTP Mode : Unicast
  Poll Interval (sec) [720] : 720

  Priority SNTP Server Address                     Protocol Version KeyId
  -------- --------------------------------------- ---------------- -----
  1                              3                55
  2        fe80::200:24ff:fec8:4ca8                3                55

SNTP Statistics command output

To display the statistical information for each SNTP server, enter the sntp statistics command. The number of SNTP packets that have failed autherntication is displayed for each SNTP server address.

switch(config) # show sntp statistics
SNTP statistics
Received Packets:   0
Sent Packets:       3
Dropped Packets:    0

SNTP Server Address                   Auth Failed Pkts
-------------------                   ----------------                                0
fe80::200:24ff:fec8:4ca8                  0

The show sntp command displays SNTP configuration information, including any SNTP authentication keys that have been configured on the switch.

SNTP configuration information

switch# show sntp

 SNTP Configuration

  SNTP Authentication : Enabled
  Time Sync Mode: Sntp
  SNTP Mode : Unicast
  Poll Interval (sec) [720] : 720

  Priority SNTP Server Address                     Protocol Version KeyId
  -------- --------------------------------------- ---------------- -----
  1                              3                55
  2        fe80::200:24ff:fec8:4ca8                3                55

show sntp authentication command output

To display all the SNTP authentication keys that have been configured on the switch, enter the show sntp authentication command.

switch(config) # show sntp authentication
SNTP Authentication Information
SNTP Authentication: Enabled
Key-ID                Auth Mode              Trusted
-------              -----------             -------
55                       MD5                  YES
10                       MD5                   NO

Displays all SNTP authentication keys configured on the switch.

switch(config) # show sntp authentication
SNTP Authentication Information
SNTP Authentication: Enabled

Key-ID  Auth Mode  Trusted
-------  ----------- -------
55 MD5 YES
10 MD5 NO