Listing PIM neighbor information for all PIM neighbors connected to the routing switch


show ip pim [neighbor]
IP Address

Lists the IP address of a neighbor multicast router.


Lists the VLAN through which the routing switch connects to the indicated neighbor.

Up Time

Shows the elapsed time during which the neighbor has maintained a PIM route to the routing switch.

Expire Time

Indicates how long before the routing switch ages-out the current flow (group membership.) This value decrements until:

  • Reset by a state-refresh packet originating from the upstream multicast router. (The upstream multicast router issues state-refresh packets for the current group as long as it either continues to receive traffic for the current flow or receives state-refresh packets for the current flow from another upstream multicast router.

  • Reset by a new flow for the current multicast group on the VLAN.

  • The timer expires (reaches 0.) In this case, the switch has not received either a state-refresh packet or new traffic for the current multicast group and ages-out (drops) the group entry.

If the ip-addr is specified, detailed information for the specified neighbor is shown.

PIM neighbor output

This example simulates output from routing switch “#1” in Multicast network with a multinetted VLAN. The data identifies the first downstream neighbor (“routing switch #2”.)

switch(config)# show ip pim neighbor
 PIM Neighbors
  IP Address      VLAN Up Time (sec)      Expire Time (sec)
  --------------- ---- ------------------ ------------------      29   196                89


show ip pim [neighbor [ip-address]]

Lists the same information as the show ip pim neighbor

Showing a specific neighbor

This example simulates output from routing switch “#1” in Multicast network with a multinetted VLAN. The data is from the first downstream neighbor (routing switch “#2”.)

switch(config)# show ip pim neighbor
 PIM Neighbor
  IP Address  :
  VLAN        : 29
  Up Time (sec)     : 26
  Expire Time (sec) : 79