show name


show name <PORT-LIST>


Lists the friendly port name with its corresponding port number and port type. The show name command without a port list shows this data for all ports on the switch.

Example of friendly port name data for all ports on the switch

switch# show name
Port Names

  Port   Type      Name
  ------ --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 
  A1     10GbE-T
  A2     10GbE-T
  A3     10GbE-T   Bill_Smith@
  A4     10GbE-T
  A5     10GbE-T   Draft-Server:Trunk 
  A6     10GbE-T   Draft-Server:Trunk 
  A7     10GbE-T   Draft-Server:Trunk 
  A8     10GbE-T   Draft-Server:Trunk

Example of friendly port name data for specific ports on the switch

switch# show name A3-A5

 Port Names

  Port : A3
  Type : 10GbE-T
  Name : Bill_Smith@
 Port : A4
  Type : 10GbE-T 
  Name :
 Port : A5
  Type : 10GbE-T
  Name : Draft-Server:Trunk