UFD track data configuration


uplink-failure-detection-track <track-id> links-to-monitor <port-list> links-to-disable <port-list>

Used to configure ports given as LtM and ports given as LtD for track-id. This command will also accept trunk interfaces.


[no] ufd track-id <track-id>

From within track-id context:

[no] links-to-monitor <port-list>

[no] links-to-disable <port-list>


switch(config)# uplink-failure-detection-track 10 links-to-monitor 18,19,20 links-to-disable 1,2,3

The above command is used to configure ports 18,19,20 as LtM and ports 1,2,3 as LtD for track-id 10.

switch(config)# no uplink-failure-detection-track 10

This command will remove any track data associated with track-id 10.

switch(config)# no uplink-failure-detection-track 10 links-to-monitor 18 links-to-disable 1

This command will remove port 18 as LtM and port 1 as LtD from track-id 10. This command can be issued from track-id context as well.