Applying the Service-policy


no service-policy POLICY_NAME in

A policy does not perform any action until it is applied to an interface. A policy that contains MAC classes can be applied to a port, trunk, or VLAN. The interface and direction of the application determine where in the flow of traffic through the switch the traffic will be compared with the policy's entries.


Apply policy on inbound packets.


Enter an ASCII string.

Apply a QoS policy to the inbound direction of a port

(config)# interface a1
(eth-A1)# service-policy qos-policy-1 in

Apply a QoS policy to the inbound direction of a VLAN

(config)# vlan 10
(vlan-10)# service-policy qos-policy-2 in

Apply a QoS policy to the inbound direction of a trunk

(config)# interface trk1
(eth-trk1)# service-policy qos-policy-3 in

Creating class assigning to mirror policy and applying to a port

(config)# class mac mac-class-1
(config-class)# match any any any
(config)# policy mirror “mirror-policy-1”
(policy-mirror)# class mac mac-class-1 action mirror 1
(config)# interface a1
(eth-a1)# service-policy mirror-policy-1 in