Display messages



First time log-on, the user is prompted for entering new password along with old password.

Please change the password to logon to the system.
Old password: ********
New password: ********
Re-enter the new password: ********

First time log-on, if the user fails to change the password the following error message is displayed.

The respective error message related to password validation will be displayed and the existing session termination message is displayed.

When the value of the alert before expiry is configured greater than the aging value.

Alert before expiry is greater than password aging value.

When the user is not configured on the switch.

Password configuration feature is enabled. Configure the password for the user ‘admin’ to get access.

When a password aging time is about to expire a warning message is displayed.

Password ages out in %d day(s).
Change it now [Y/Any key - No]?
              If yes, the user will be prompted:
              Old password: ********
              New password:   *************
              Re-enter the new password:  *************
If the new password configuration fails, then the error message will be prompted and the user will be provided the access:
Password cannot be changed. It must have special characters, A-Z, a-z & 0-9.
Your previous successful login (as manager) was on 1990-01-01 07:57:24
from the console

When a password aging time expires, and the password is still not updated with the user still within the configured login attempt and period the following warning message is displayed.

Password expired; %d login left in %d day(s).
Change it now [Y/Any key - No]?
              If yes, the user will be prompted:
              Old password: ********
              New password:   *************
              Re-enter the new password:  *************
If the new password configuration fails, then the error message will be prompted and the user will be provided the access:
Password cannot be changed. It must have special characters, A-Z, a-z & 0-9.
Your previous successful login (as manager) was on 1990-01-01 07:57:24
 from the console

When a password aging time expires and all the additional login attempts are exhausted, a warning message is displayed with a prompt for entering the new password.

Password grace period is complete. Please change password.
Old password: ********
New password: ********
Re-enter the new password: ********

If the above entry fails, the respective error message related to password validation will be displayed and the existing session termination message is displayed.